File this under something you should indulge in at least once: $365 cream. Let’s just cut to the chase and answer the above question with a big fat yes—a million times yes. Allow me to explain.To backtrack a bit, I’m not a huge spender when it comes to beauty. Full disclosure: Yes, I like to invest in high-quality products for my skin to keep it looking healthy and breakout-free, but I find that most of my most beloved products can be found on the shelves at the local drugstore. They’re not exorbitantly expensive and I’m happy with the results. Additionally, similar to a handful of people I know, I keep a beauty budget, meaning I allot myself access to a restricted amount of money to be spent towards products in my regimen—be it cleansers, toners, moisturizers, or…really fancy day cream, specifically Lancôme Absolue L’Extrait Day Cream.WHY IT’S UNIQUEOur friends at Lancôme sent the cream over to the team to try; as soon as it landed on my desk, I knew it was special. At first glance, it looks unlike your typical cream in a jar—think: heavy black glass with a golden top. If you like to dress up your vanity with your prettiest products, this one should be at the forefront. Needless to say, it grabbed my full attention. Typically, I’m weary of products that look so immaculately done up on the outside. Does the price tag speak to the efficacy of the product or, quite unfortunately, the packaging? After all, a pro derm taught me that more expensive does not always equal better. The only way to find out was to look to the formula. The elixir contains up to 2 million Lancôme Rose—a rose created in 1973 in France and selected from 20,000 species—native cells. Extracted from the Lancôme Rose using a state-of-the-art biotechnological process called fermogenesis, these native cells can help to reveal firmer and more luminous appearance. The creamy formula smells elegantly of roses (makes sense), and it’s super easy to glide onto the skin. It’s delicate, it’s silky, it’s…magical. My skin felt immediately smooth and hydrated after use. Nothing against my $10 moisturizer, this just feels different, in a really good way. Will I go out and buy Absolue L’Extrait every few months? Probably not. But I am looking forward to keeping it in my rotation—and cherishing every last drop—to help achieve plumper-looking, glowing skin. My bank account may not be pleased, but my skin is certainly not complaining. Lancôme Absolue L’Extrait Day Cream, $365