Glowing Skin in a GlassThe number one ingredient in that glass of merlot? Grapes. These petite but powerful fruits are packed with polyphenols, most notably, resveratrol, a potent antioxidant that can help to neutralize the effects of free radicals created by the environment—cough, cough: pollution. Free radical damage to the skin is one of the leading causes of premature skin aging, including the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, dry skin, and a dull skin tone.How to Reap the Rewards of Red WineWhile that glass of vino has a little resveratrol, why not pull double-duty and use topical products that are formulated with the antioxidant as well? SkinCeuticals Resveratrol B E is a great bet. The antioxidant night concentrate helps to reveal a more radiant complexion and firmer-looking skin, while helping to diminish the appearance of skin aging.Interested in more of a DIY product? Whip up a red wine-inspired facial by mixing together equal parts resveratrol-packed red wine, probiotic-rich Greek yogurt, and moisturizing honey, apply to your face and let it sit for up to 10 minutes. Sit back and relax (while sipping on a glass of the good stuff!) then, rinse well and moisturize!Remember, drinking red wine is great…but in moderation. A few too many glass, a few too many times, and you may actually experience some of the negative skin care side effects of alcohol…sallow skin, anyone? Imbibe responsibly!